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劉東風:馭壑循光 開幕時間:2021/06/16 14:30 開始時間:2021/06/16 結束時間:2021/06/30 展覽地點:雅巢畫廊 展覽地址:上海市莫干山路M50雅巢畫廊 策展人:黃海軍 參展藝術家:劉東風 學術主持:吳震寰 主辦單位:深圳21造藝術 協辦單位:未來藝術家 序 在我的眼中,劉東風就是一個追光的少年,他的作品充滿詩意。我喜歡他把藝術創(chuàng)作保持在一種生活化的狀態(tài),這種藝術生活化的狀態(tài)是極為美好的,人類文明的燦爛與輝煌就蕩漾其中。從達芬奇到畢加索,從文藝復興到現在今天,那些光彩照人的藝術家們,總會在陽光明媚的午后,在畫布上畫上幾筆,在轉臺上雕塑時光,這就是令人向往并感動的生活。藝術是生活的不朽樂章,那些沉思與懷念,那些抽象與表現,那些理性與激情,如今都呈現在劉東風的藝術作品之中,并正在點點滴滴匯成江海。 胡月朋2021年5月8日于溫哥華 Pref-ace In my eyes, Dongfeng Liu is a young man who pur-sues light. His works are full of poet-ry. I like him to keep his artis-tic cre-ation in a state of life, which is extreme-ly beau-ti-ful, in which the bril-liance and bril-liance of human civ-i-liza-tion rip-ple. From Leonar-do da Vin-ci to Picas-so, from the Renais-sance to today, those bril-liant artists always paint a few strokes on the can-vas and sculpt time on the turntable on a sun-ny after-noon. This is the yearn-ing and mov-ing life. Art is an immor-tal move-ment of life. Those med-i-ta-tions and rem-i-nis-cences, those abstrac-tions and expres-sions, those ratio-nal-i-ties and pas-sions are now pre-sent-ed in Dongfeng Liu’s works of art, and are grad-u-al-ly con-verg-ing into rivers and seas. Yuepeng HuVan-cou-ver, May 8, 2021 藝術家 Artists 劉東風/當代藝術家Dongfeng Liu / con-tem-po-rary artist 2021年《循光而行》深圳個展2020年《廣州設計周》2020未來藝術家提名展 2021 “Walk in the Light” Shen-zhen Solo Exhi-bi-tion 2020 “Guangzhou Design Week” 2020 Future Artist Nom-i-na-tion Exhi-bi-tion 一顆滾燙的靈魂,一個為藝術不問此生的人The man with a burn-ing soul, who devotes all his life to art, regard-less of noth-ing. 學術主持 ACADEMIC HOST 吳震寰/著名藝術家Zhenhuan Wu / famous artist 歷任湛江市青年美協主席、北京《當代主義》、《前哨藝術》雜志主編,北京上上國際美術館執(zhí)行館長,北京當代藝術館執(zhí)行館長等?,F任北京現代美術館館長,宋莊書法院執(zhí)行院長,合肥大地美術館館長。 He has suc-ces-sive-ly served as chair-man of Zhan-jiang Youth Art Asso-ci-a-tion, chief edi-tor of Bei-jing “mod-ernism” and “sen-tinel art”, exec-u-tive direc-tor of Bei-jing Shang-shang Inter-na-tion-al Art Muse-um, exec-u-tive direc-tor of Bei-jing Con-tem-po-rary Art Muse-um, etc. He is now the direc-tor of Bei-jing Mod-ern Art Muse-um, exec-u-tive direc-tor of Songzhuang Cal-lig-ra-phy Acad-e-my, and direc-tor of Hefei Dadi Art Muse-um. 學術顧問 ACADEMIC CONSULTANT 胡月朋/著名藝術家Yuepeng Hu/ famous artist 歷任上上美術館執(zhí)行館長、宋莊ART網主編、畫家村網主編。 He has been the exec-u-tive direc-tor of Shang-shang Art Muse-um Edi-tor-in-Chief of Songzhuang ART web-site, edi-tor-in-Chief of Painters Vil-lage Web-site. 黃震/著名藝術家 Zhen Huang / famous artist 雕塑作品《五月的風》,入編人民教育出版社九年級義務教育教科書《美術》、普通高中標準實驗教科書《美術鑒賞》。《五月的風》榮獲國家建設部、文化部、全國城雕委聯合頒發(fā)的新中國城市雕塑建設成就獎。 The sculp-ture “Wind in May” was com-piled into the ninth-grade com-pul-so-ry edu-ca-tion text-book “Fine Arts” by Peo-ple’s Edu-ca-tion Pub-lish-ing House, and the stan-dard exper-i-men-tal text-book “Appre-ci-a-tion of Fine Arts” for gen-er-al high school. “Wind in May” won the New Chi-na Urban Sculp-ture Con-struc-tion Achieve-ment Award joint-ly issued by the Min-istry of Con-struc-tion, the Min-istry of Cul-ture, and the Nation-al Urban Sculp-ture Com-mis-sion. 策展人 Cura-tor 黃海軍/策展人 Hai-jun Huang / cura-tor 深圳貳拾壹造文化傳媒有限公司/創(chuàng)始人 21造藝術/創(chuàng)始人廣州設計周《未來藝術家》聯合創(chuàng)始人 Founder of Shen-zhen 21create cul-ture media Co., Ltd-Founder of 21 Cre-ate Art-Co founder of artist of the future at Guangzhou Design Week 關于未來藝術家 About Future artists 未來藝術家是一個青年藝術家推廣平臺,由廣州設計周與21造聯合發(fā)起。旨在甄選一年一度10位最具潛力的青年藝術家在廣州設計周參展以及全國巡展,面向大眾以及設計師群體推廣青年藝術家、藝術作品。展品涵蓋油畫、國畫、雕塑、裝置藝術等適于空間裝飾的各種藝術類型,并邀請設計大咖、藝術名家進行點評、頒獎。 同時還將開展藝術游學,為新一代設計師與未來藝術家交流搭建橋梁,有利于增強設計與藝術的交互性,以期在多元的藝術形態(tài)、表達形式不一的現代藝術背景下、從多個維度的視角,深度探討未來空間的“藝術+設計”的融合發(fā)展之道。 The artist of the future is a pro-mo-tion plat-form for young artists, which is joint-ly launched by Guangzhou design week and 21 man-u-fac-tur-ing. The pur-pose is to select the 10 most poten-tial young artists to par-tic-i-pate in Guangzhou design week and the nation-al exhi-bi-tion, and pro-mote young artists and art works to the pub-lic and design-ers. The exhibits cov-er oil paint-ing, tra-di-tion-al Chi-nese paint-ing, sculp-ture, instal-la-tion art and oth-er art types suit-able for space dec-o-ra-tion, and invite design celebri-ties and art mas-ters to com-ment and award awards.At the same time, art study tour will be car-ried out to build a bridge for the com-mu-ni-ca-tion between the new gen-er-a-tion of design-ers and future artists, which is con-ducive to enhanc-ing the inter-ac-tion between design and art, so as to deeply explore the inte-gra-tion and devel-op-ment of “Art + design” in the future space from the per-spec-tive of mul-ti-ple dimen-sions under the back-ground of diver-si-fied art forms and dif-fer-ent forms of expres-sion of mod-ern art.
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