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        2022/4/30~2022/6/26 北京
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        2022/4/23~2022/5/20 北京
        2022/4/23~2022/6/11 深圳
        Nature Calls--Alan Flesher Solo Exhibition

          CIIH以色列科技文化沙龍 CROSS WORLD引力客廳 攜手Nancy’s Gallery 推出美籍猶太裔藝術家——Alan Flesher的專題藝術展 Nature Calls,此次展覽將于2020年7月8日拉開序幕。


        Alan Flesher

          Alan Flesher是一位美國猶太裔藝術家,現(xiàn)居中國上海。Alan對于自然事物的觀察擁有著自己獨到的視角和極強的感知力,他擅長捕捉并表現(xiàn)日常生活中不同尋常的一面。其作品充滿深邃且迷人的元素,表現(xiàn)出他對現(xiàn)實的深刻思考和對未來美好的憧憬。



        Alan Flesher is an American Jewish artist, now based in Shanghai, China. His artwork is an expression of his artistic vision articulating what he experiences in daily life. Through a heightened sense of awareness that others dismiss as ordinary. 

        With a knack for accentuating aspects of his visual communion, attracting his attention beneath the surface. Comprehending the balance and beauty giving rise to the energy that dances beneath the paint. Alan Delivers his ArtSpirit through deliberate fascinating compositions that can transport the observer beyond the canvas. 

        Inspiring a visual dialogue that stimulates their imagination to bond with the essence of the work through the emotional connection that speaks to them. 

        Accepting commissions for original art, engaging his creative sensitivities as a conduit to channel the magic of the universe.

        Alan stands before his canvas of life to paint with openness and joy. Not only living every day of his life but also living every life of his day...

        藍 Blue / Alan Flesher 

         布面油畫 Oil on Canvas / 45cm x 61cm




        When Nature Calls In the natural environment, that echoes through the sound of the wind, the song of the birds and the leaves that congregate in the blue sky and then gently float to the ground. In this world of unspoken communication, the resonance of our thoughts, ideas and feelings  reach our hearts through being quiet in nature. 

        Artist Alan resorts to his own understanding of nature on the canvas. His paintings have visual and emotional impact permeated with a sense of aliveness that transports the viewer to the spirit of the piece. 

        With the purpose of this solo exhibition, to trigger people’s sensory impressions, elevating their consciousness. Recognizing the innocence of simplicity, the elegance of nature and the purity of our kinship with the wild. 

        Alan’s works can stimulate our awakening through recognizing the harmony and collision existing inside and outside the paintings... Where a slow walk through a garden can reveal the beauty of the weeds that need no introduction of a flower. 




        China-Israel Cultural Center is not only a significant space built by CIIH to promote the intercultural communication between China and Israel, but also a platform for China、Israel、the countries along the Belt and Road and other countries developing mutual understanding. 

        China-Israel Cultural Center has a variety of spatial properties, such as cultural displaies, interactivities and leisure. Offering both online and offline activities with differeny themes and forms will be held in this area.



        Welcome all of you to this exhibition!


        Nancy’s Gallery
        田子坊 Tianzifang
        上海市泰康路210弄田子坊藝術街5號樓100室, 101室, 112室 200025
        Add: Room 100,101&112 No.5 Lane 210 Taikang Road, Shanghai 200025, China

        Tel& Fax: (8621) 64668146
        Mobile: (+86) 13671863626


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