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        2020/12/18~2021/1/15 廣東美術館
        2020/12/26~2021/3/12 北京
        斷片/Black Out
        2020/11/11~2020/11/11 上海喜馬拉雅美術館
        2020/12/10~2021/3/30 上海
        2020/12/19~2021/1/24 紐約
        牡丹園 快閃藝術群展
        2020/12/15~2021/1/5 上海
        2020/12/12~2021/1/24 上海
        2020/12/12~2021/3/12 其它
        異質越野:多倫路 ——“藝術介入城市空間”系列項目
        2020/12/11~2021/1/31 上海多倫現(xiàn)代美術館
        2020/12/23~2021/1/23 廣東美術館


        開幕時間:2020/12/19 18:00–20:00



        展覽地點:178 Bleecker Street 2nd floor New York, NY 10012


        主辦單位:紐約Time Arts (紐約時代)


        文 / 李蕊







        隨 記

        文 / 羅敏





        Min Luo in New York

        By Rui LI

        The year 2020 is like a pause but-ton, encour-ag-ing peo-ple to slow down in our fast-paced world and take time to be present with them-selves. We become “observers” to this world as well as our lives. The ratio-nal exam-i-na-tion of “observ-ing” implies the neu-tral-i-ty atti-tude. The world needs to repair itself amidst dis-as-ters. Sim-i-lar-ly, art also needs to go back to the ide-al begin-ning. The spir-i-tu-al realm that rep-re-sents a sense of belong-ing is what artist Min Luo has been seek-ing for these years.

        Dur-ing the quar-an-tine, Luo pays extra atten-tion to New York’s archi-tec-tures, sky-lines, piers, and the pedes-tri-ans, as if the alien-ation from the out-side world brings her calm-ness. She has been expe-ri-enc-ing the changes of the out-side world and with-in her-self, explor-ing the essence of the art. The jour-ney of explo-ration is not only extract from the West-ern canon, tech-niques, and per-son-al style, but also dis-card from the prej-u-diced ide-ol-o-gy.

        Attempt-ing to find an answer, she tried to cre-ate arts on a new medi-um – syn-thet-ic paper. The process was slow and dif-fi-cult. On this unfa-mil-iar paper, she com-bined the char-ac-ter-is-tics of acrylic, Chi-nese pig-ments, and ink, leav-ing traces of paint-ing that nei-ther flat-tered oth-ers nor showed off her tech-niques. In the cre-ation of dense-ly clus-tered build-ings in New York, she even used a ruler, like a clum-sy child. It took her near-ly two months to com-plete a piece of “Out-side the Win-dow Lead-ing to New Jer-sey,” only to mea-sure the con-cept of the depic-tion. A nat-ur-al mas-ter of the artis-tic con-cep-tion of aes-thet-ics, Luo express-es rep-re-sen-ta-tion through her unique free-hand brush-work. Human-iza-tion is still the core of her art-works. Despite the changes in media, what remains unchanged is her pur-suit of the metaphor-i-cal mean-ings behind any sub-ject and the uti-liza-tion of sim-ple yet pow-er-ful paint-ing meth-ods that strength-en the metaphor-i-cal lan-guages.

        As writer Milan Kun-dera once said, “On the sur-face, an intel-li-gi-ble lie; under-neath, the unin-tel-li-gi-ble truth.”Min Luo’s new series presents us with the sto-ry of clean and refined col-ors and vivid forms, only urg-ing us to deci-pher the depth of the metaphor-i-cal lan-guages under-neath the paint-ing. Using the del-i-cate yet gen-tle tech-niques that espe-cial-ly speak to female artists, she express-es the lone-li-ness that she has encoun-tered in this pros-per-ous city. Per-haps only under-neath the sur-face of real-i-ty shows the often-over-looked truth. Just like how she self-reflects in her life, the “Green Ket-tle” that was secret-ly replaced by her because of her mis-takes in burn-ing the oth-er two ket-tles seem-ing-ly humor-ous self-dep-re-cat-ing moment when she tried to bury her mis-takes. Isn’t this anoth-er metaphor for real-i-ty?

        A mature con-tem-po-rary artist, Luo abides by her inner ide-ol-o-gy. Her paint-ings are full of her vivid feel-ings of life, depict-ing the scenes fil-tered by her mem-o-ries and emo-tions. With an ongo-ing search of return-ing to the essence of art, she awak-ens people’s inner world to reex-am-ine the out-side world. She demon-strates to us that paint-ing can be an expres-sion of free-dom from the soul, as well as free-dom of art and peo-ple.



        By Min Luo

        The year 2020 seems like a curse, from the begin-ning of the year till the last few days. It start-ed as a pan-ic among mankind, then swept the whole world… All evils sur-faced, regrets and repen-tance are just illu-sions. Pain is for-got-ten where scars heal. Sure, let’s get it – just imag-ine we are stand-ing still at the cli-max of the game.

        Mean-while, I was pulling away from a far cor-ner. From sun-rise to sun-set, I pre-fer emp-ty streets and lone-ly piers when the city is asleep with no peo-ple wan-der-ing. No styles. No dec-o-ra-tions. Using sim-ple lan-guage and unfa-mil-iar paper, I leaned over my win-dow to depict. How cliché is the verb depict! But it was used fre-quent-ly in my child-hood, so I don’t dis-like it. In this way, I depict-ed hous-es, streets, seas, as well as the teenagers and dogs on the piers. They are the best in this bleak world, so I could trav-el to where all this start-ed.

        The green ket-tle was an acci-dent. My son bought back a black cof-fee mak-er from LA that was exact-ly the same as the one at home. They were not cheap. With-in a month, I burned both ket-tles by fill-ing them with water and plac-ing them on the heat-ed stove, which burned them. I made this absurd mis-take twice in a short amount of time. My mind went blank both times. I was amazed by my mis-take. Both times, I threw away the burnt ket-tles as if I was eras-ing evi-dence from a crime scene. I felt guilty. After I burned the sec-ond ket-tle, I bought a green ket-tle and replaced it on the exact same spot where I com-mit-ted the “crime.” Every-thing seemed to be per-fect, and the truth is buried. There would be no more mis-takes. How-ev-er, every time I land my eyes on the green iron pot, I think of the “crime.” Of course, no evi-dence can be found, because there’s some truth is not need-ed in a peace-ful and healthy life.


        關于藝術家/ABOUT THE ARTIST

        羅敏 ,中國當代藝術家,曾在亞洲和歐洲多個國家舉辦過個展和聯(lián)展。


          2020年 “觀看” 紐約時代畫廊 美國2018年 “幸存的詩意” 米格畫廊 巴塞羅那2017年 “它界之花——羅敏個展” 馬拉加阿拉勞林羅賓松文化中心 西班牙2016年 “看見時光——羅敏作品展” 復言社 北京2015年 “歸心兩暢——羅敏油畫作品展” 北京畫院美術館 北京2013年 “路過 既成為風景——羅敏紙本繪畫展” 今日美術館 北京2011年 “日常之鏡——2011 羅敏繪畫展” 今日美術館 北京

        Min Luo , Chi-nese Con-tem-po-rary Artist, has held solo and group exhi-bi-tions in mul-ti-ple coun-tries in Asia and Europe.

        Recent Solo Exhi-bi-tions:

        2020“Observe”, Timearts Gallery, Amer-i-ca2018 “The Sur-viv-ing Poet-ry”, Miguel Mar-cos Gallery, Barcelona, Spain2017 “Flow-ers of Anoth-er World–Luo Min Solo Exhi-bi-tion”, Robin-son Cul-tur-al Cen-ter of Alhau-rín de la Torre, Mala-ga, Spain2016 “See-ing the Time–Exhibition of Luo Min′s Art-works”, Fuyan Asso-ci-a-tion, Bei-jing2015 “Back to the Heart–Luo Min′s Oil Paint-ing Exhi-bi-tion”, Bei-jing Art Muse-um, Bei-jing2013 “Pass-ing by, It Becomes a Scenery–Luo Min′s Paper Art Exhi-bi-tion”, Today Art Muse-um, Bei-jing2011 “Mir-ror of Dai-ly Life–Luo Min′s Paint-ing Exhi-bi-tion in 2011”, Today Art Muse-um, Bei-jing 

        26號碼頭No.1 26 pier No.1 合成紙丙烯 Synthetic Paper and Propylene 12x9 in 2020

        26號碼頭No.2 26 pier No.2 合成紙丙烯 Synthetic Paper and Propylene 12x9 in 2020

        26號碼頭No.3 26 pier No.3 合成紙丙烯 Synthetic Paper and Propylene 9x12 in 2020

        26號碼頭No.4 26 pier No.4 紙本水彩 Paper Watercolor9x12 in 2020

        窗外 通往新澤西The Window Leads to New Jersey 合成紙丙烯 Synthetic Paper and Propylene 24x36 in 12x9 in x10 2020

        窗外 通往新澤西The Window Leads to New Jersey 合成紙丙烯 Synthetic Paper and Propylene 12x9 in x10 2020

        窗外 通往新澤西The Window Leads to New Jersey 合成紙丙烯 Synthetic Paper and Propylene 24x36 in 2020

        綠壺 Green Kettle 合成紙中國顏料和墨 Synthetic Paper + Chinese Pigment + Chinese Ink 18x24 in2020

        綠壺 Green Kettle 合成紙中國顏料和墨 Synthetic Paper + Chinese Pigment + Chinese Ink 18x24 in 10x10 in x4 2020


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