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        2022/4/30~2022/6/26 北京
        2022/4/29~2022/5/29 四川
        2022/4/30~2022/6/5 北京
        2022/4/29~2022/7/31 其它
        2022/4/28~2022/7/3 深圳何香凝美術(shù)館
        第四屆 JINGART 藝覽北京
        2022/5/26~2022/5/29 北京
        2022/4/23~2022/6/20 其它
        2022/4/23~2022/6/25 深圳
        2022/4/23~2022/5/20 北京
        2022/4/23~2022/6/11 深圳
        東山清曉 — 史新驥新作展

        東山清曉 — 史新驥新作展

        開幕時(shí)間:2021/04/11 15:00 — 18:00




        展覽地址:北京市東城區(qū)安定門東濱河路 3號(hào)院雍和家園二期3號(hào)樓601室




        From April 11th to June 1st, 2021, AYE Gallery will present Shi Xin-ji’s solo exhi-bi-tion “East Moun-tain Day-break”. The new exhi-bi-tion includes dozens of mar-velous paper works and oil paint-ings cre-at-ed from ear-ly 2020 to 2021 dur-ing the covid-19 pan-dem-ic out-break. Among them, a series of small paper works inspired by the tra-di-tion-al theme “Moun-tain Search” using var-i-ous mate-ri-als such as pas-tel, soths, cray-on and water-col-or will be on dis-play. Sev-er-al small oil paint-ings with irreg-u-lar frames will also unveil at the exhi-bi-tion. Unlike pre-vi-ous thick-paint-ed works of his, they seem to become all the more “flat-ten-ing”. As an essen-tial part of the pic-ture space, the gen-tle slope on the sides makes up for the “depth” miss-ing from the flat-tened pic-ture. It can also be seen as an attempt to break away from a two-dimen-sion-al plane to a three-dimen-sion-al space. This new exhi-bi-tion adopts the word “Day-break”, which not only sum-ma-rizes the over-all artis-tic con-cep-tion of the dis-played works, but also looks for-ward to a glo-ri-ous and aus-pi-cious future.


        史新驥 Shi Xinji 2020 搜山圖之八 Mountain Search No.8, 紙上色粉 Pastel on paper 52 x 42 cm

        史新驥 Shi Xinji, 2020, 如夢(mèng)令 Ru Meng Ling, 布面油畫 Oil on canvas, 40 x 30 cm

        史新驥 Shi Xinji, 2020, 南山 South Mountain, 布面油畫 Oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm

        史新驥 Shi Xinji, 2020, 南歌子 Nan Ge Zi, 布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30 cm

        史新驥 Shi Xinji 2020 搜山圖之五 Mountain Search No.5, 紙上色粉 Pastel on paper,52 x 42 cm

        史新驥 Shi Xinji 2020 搜山圖之十一 Mountain Search No.11, 紙上索斯、色粉 Soths and pastel on paper, 52 x 42 cm

        史新驥 Shi Xinji 2020 搜山圖之十二 Mountain Search No.12, 紙上色粉、丙烯 Pastel and acrylic on paper, 52 x 42 cm

        史新驥 Shi Xinji 2020 搜山圖之十八 Mountain Search No.18, 紙上索斯、色粉 Soths and pastel on paper, 52 x 42 cm

        史新驥 Shi Xinji 2020 搜山圖之十 Mountain Search No.10, 紙上索斯、色粉、油畫棒 Soths, pastel and crayon on paper, 52 x 42 cm

        史新驥 Shi Xinji 2020 搜山圖之九 Mountain Search No.9, 紙上索斯、色粉 Soths and pastel on paper, 52 x 42 cm

        史新驥 Shi Xinji 2020 搜山圖之二十三 Mountain Search No.23, 紙上索斯、色粉 Soths and pastel on paper, 42 x 52 cm

        史新驥 Shi Xinji 2020 搜山圖之二十二 Mountain Search No.22, 紙上色粉、水彩 Pastel and watercolor on paper, 52 x 42 cm


        乱人伦人妻无码视频在线播放,免费无码又爽又刺激在线视频,日韩精品无码自拍第15页,人妻无码不卡中文字幕系列 (function(){ var bp = document.createElement('script'); var curProtocol = window.location.protocol.split(':')[0]; if (curProtocol === 'https') { bp.src = 'https://zz.bdstatic.com/linksubmit/push.js'; } else { bp.src = 'http://push.zhanzhang.baidu.com/push.js'; } var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(bp, s); })();