開幕時間:2021/07/03 19:00
參展藝術(shù)家:遲阿娟、陳曦、董瑾、鄧筱、董小聞、符曦、郭建婷、郭燕、何琳琳、胡順香、蔣興、蔣雨、康妮 、呂康佑、駱莉、 羅敏、李如碧、孫嘉旋、吳江濤、王瑋、王小雙、小滿、熊璇、謝正莉、楊柳、袁曉天、趙歡、雷、曾妮、朱可染
The world looms with regrets. She, the tar-get of crit-i-cisms, is forged strong by her con-stant encoun-ters of belat-ed under-stand-ing. The one who speaks, is not emblem-at-ic of con-cepts and stan-dards. She acknowl-edges but does not con-form. She lives in the mun-dane but remains unseized. Look-ing-be-yond the vicis-si-tudes of the world and through its glis-ten-ing lights, she-feels her heart graced by seren-i-ty. She stands unhinged on moral grounds,attests to her-self in this tan-gled world. She embraces all aspirations,regardless of the mag-ni-tude; and looks for-ward to suc-cess for the wealth ofprospects it car-ries. The heart stirs unat-tached while the gaze rests upon-life.
Women need a new liv-ing con-struct; one-suf-fice of oppor-tu-ni-ties and diver-si-ty for their life jour-neys. The ques-tio-n-is, how? It is cru-cial to enlist help from fel-low peers, col-leagues, and kin-sto estab-lish a new com-mu-ni-ty for this cul-ture— one which iden-ti-fies with thecom-mon goal pro-posed by our cur-rent cul-ture and agrees that there are mul-ti-plepath-ways to real-ize this. After all, the mod-ern every-woman is des-tined with-overt-ly high expec-ta-tions from soci-ety. There is an anec-dote to this— afive-year-old girl appeared deject-ed after return-ing home from her school-cur-ric-u-lar activ-i-ty. She told her moth-er about her and her crush’s dreams tobe-come astro-nauts. Her moth-er did not under-stand why that would upset her. Towhich the girl replied, “if we are in space togeth-er, who would be there-to look after our child?” At the ten-ta-tive age of 5, the girl fig-ures the-great-est chal-lenge that awaits her in space is actu-al-ly her role of parental-re-spon-si-bil-i-ties. At a young age, girls already under-stand that their deci-sion-be-tween career and fam-i-ly would ulti-mate-ly deter-mine the extent of theird-e-vo-tion toward their career. The aspect of rais-ing a child is equiv-a-lent torais-ing soci-ety itself; it is a noble task for a non-com-pens-able cause. When welook at our soci-ety, the fam-i-ly func-tions as its basic unit, and since wom-en-hold the key to cul-ti-vat-ing fam-i-ly har-mo-ny, they are the ones who ensure our-so-ci-ety’s sta-bil-i-ty and well-being. In essence, it is their inher-ent fem-i-ninequal-i-ty that makes them noble and divine. They are the spark to pas-sion, the-foun-da-tion to fam-i-ly, and the cra-dle to the future. Nev-er-the-less, soci-ety’s-para-dox-i-cal treat-ment toward women— being benev-o-lent and crit-i-cal— has ren-deredthem into a state of immo-bil-i-ty.
Wom-en’s pur-suit ofthe ide-al is nev-er about per-fec-tion-ism. Nor is their sense of self-mod-u-la-tio-nan attempt to hide their true selves. Instead of oth-ers’ val-i-da-tion, they-choose to dis-guise them-selves despite know-ing all too well that in an effort tobuild a cul-ture unique-ly theirs, they face a rig-or-ous equa-tion of cater-ing tothe male ego and rein-forc-ing their own needs across the dis-course ofphi-los-o-phy, gen-dered lan-guage stud-ies, reli-gion, and pol-i-tics.
The world need-sArt as much as Art needs women. Both men and women share the same lev-el ofin-tel-li-gence and inno-v-a-tive-ness; in any case, it is women who are moreemo-tion-al-ly sen-su-al and elo-quent in their com-mu-nica-tive abil-i-ties. Yet, unliketheir male coun-ter-parts, female artists are tried much more for their-per-se-ver-ance, resilience and hard work.
Her biggesto-b-sta-cle comes not from exter-nal forces; rather, she is haunt-ed by her ownan-guish. Hence, in light of this exhi-bi-tion, let us come togeth-er and ven-ture-for-ward in the search for a warm and wel-com-ing col-lec-tive, where we can-con-verse at ease about Art, cul-ture, fash-ion, and phi-los-o-phy in the form of asa-lon, advo-cate a bet-ter under-stand-ing of the female iden-ti-ty and femaleartists for the pub-lic, and there-by achieve a fin-er bal-ance between career andlifestyle.
Women arerisk-tak-ers who can bear the dif-fi-cul-ties of sec-u-lar con-fine-ments and soci-ety’-s-ex-pec-ta-tions with great for-ti-tude. In the tran-quil-ness of pass-ing time, per-hap-son-ly the indi-vid-ual who wit-ness-es his/her own eclipse could savour thebit-ter-sweet-ness that dwells with-in. Such is, thus, the spir-i-tu-al core of “Incan-des-cence and in Gaze.”
曾妮,《僥幸地暫留2》,紙本水彩 ,32x41cm,2018
陳曦 ,《桃子》,紙上色粉, 68x63.5cm ,2018
遲阿娟 ,《女孩》,攝影, 75x60cm ,2017
鄧筱 ,《思維空間系列》,裝置,不銹鋼, 250x50x60cm,2015
董瑾 ,《荼蘼》,布面油彩, 直徑110cm,2014
符曦 ,《濤濤萬頃動風(fēng)色》,布面油畫 , 80x50cm,2018
郭建婷 ,《門No.30》,布面油畫 , 120x180cm,2016
郭燕 ,《尋光之夜》,布面油畫 , 100x150cm,2017
何琳琳 ,《洪流》,布面丙烯 , 40x30cm,2019
胡順香 ,《遛云No.3》,布面油畫 , 直徑40cm,2021
蔣興 ,《茂盛的一天》,銅、木板,丙烯 , 44x40cm,2020
蔣雨 《雁渡》-100x120cm-布面丙烯- 2015年作品
康妮 ,《融器》,布面油畫 , 150x120cm,2010
雷,《靜物》,色粉 ,50x65cm,2017
李如碧 ,《女人》,雕塑,不銹鋼、綜合材料等, 56x53x113cm,2018
羅敏 ,《蜻蜓2》,紙本設(shè)色, 42x27cm,2020
駱莉 ,《玄秘5號》,木板油畫, 直徑15cm,2021
呂康佑 ,《愛將要去哪里NO.15》,紙本水墨綜合, 62x76cm,2020
逆光與凝望 海報 定稿
孫嘉旋 ,《量子場NO.30》,紙本水彩, 78x106cm,2017
王瑋,《藍(lán)》,紙本, 129x65.5cm,2017
王小雙,《都市心緒》,布面丙烯, 40x40cm,2015
吳江濤,《fall in love》系列34,布面油畫, 150x100cm,2021
小滿,《無題》,布面丙烯, 25x30cm,2009
謝正莉,《琉璃之影》,布面油畫 , 100x80cm,2015
熊璇,《逆羽》,布面油畫 , 80x80cm,2021
楊柳,《不朽》,布面油畫 , 60x80cm,2013
袁曉天,《火花》,裝置,不銹鋼金屬 , 尺寸可變,2021
趙歡,《X型X秀》,布面油畫 , 50x70cmx3,2020
朱可染,《Night-blooming cereus-7》,布面綜合材料 ,150x90cm,2021