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        時(shí)間:2008/9/5 15:05:57 文章來源:中國藝術(shù)品網(wǎng) 

        Mike Kelley "Kandors," Installation
        Jablonka Galerie, Berlin, 29.9.-22.12.07
        Courtesy: Jablonka Galerie, Cologne/Berlin
        ? Fredrik Nilsen

        (work details)
        Mike Kelley
        Kandor-Con 2000    

        (photo credit)
        Mike Kelley "Kandor-Con 2000," Installation
        Jablonka Galerie, Berlin, 29.09.-03.11.2007
        Courtesy: Jablonka Galerie, Cologne/Berlin
        Photograph: Lepkowski Studios, Berlin

        Mike Kelley "Kandor-Con 2007," Installation, 2007

        The work of artist Mike Kelley (b. 1954) embraces performance, installation, drawing, painting, video, sound works, and sculpture. Referencing both high art and vernacular traditions, his works draw from historical research, mass cultural references, and psychological theory.  Beginning in the late 1970’s with solo performances, image/text works, and gallery and site-specific installations, Kelley came to prominence in the 1980’s with a series of sculptures composed of common craft materials. His recent work addresses architecture and filmic narrative through the theory of repressed memory syndrome, and a sustained biographic and pseudo-biographic inquiry into his own aesthetic and social history.

        Mike Kelley’s work has been the subject of numerous exhibitions including, most recently, Mike Kelley: Kandors , Jablonka Galerie, Berlin (2007);  Petting Zoo at Skulptur Projekte Münster, 2007;  Profondeurs Vertes at the musée du Louvre , 2006;  Day Is Done, a sculpture and video installation at the Gagosian Gallery, NY, 2005;  The Uncanny, a curatorial project presented at the Tate Liverpool and at the Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Wien in 2004; a 1993 traveling retrospective of his work that opened at the Whitney Museum of American Art; Documenta IX (1992) and Documenta X (1997), in Kassel, Germany; five appearances at the Whitney Biennial; and many other solo museum and gallery exhibitions. He is a member of Destroy All Monsters, an improvisational noise band (featuring artists Cary Loren and Jim Shaw) which has  performed internationally and the visual art wing of the group, The Destroy All Monsters Collective, was featured in the 2002 Whitney Biennial.  He has published several volumes of critical writings, Foul Perfection: Essays and Criticism (2002), Minor Histories: Statements, Conversations, Proposals (2004), and  Mike Kelley : Interviews, Conversations and Chit-Chat (2005) , a collection of Kelley’s interviews with notable contemporary figures.

        Mike Kelley received a BFA from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1976) and a MFA from the California Institute of the Arts (1978). His awards include The Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation Grant, National Endowment for the Visual Arts Fellowships, the Awards in the Visual Arts grant, the Skowhegan Medal for Mixed Media, the Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Michigan School of Art and Design, the Distinguished Alumnus/a Award from the California Institute of the Arts, and a Guggenheim Fellowship.  He is a Professor of Fine Art in the Graduate Program at the Art Center College in Pasadena.  Mike Kelley lives and works in Los Angeles, California.

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