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        1/2頁 共41


        時(shí)間:2005/9/10 10:32:03

        墨之花  45×48cm  墨彩 



        Flower with Chinese Ink  45×48cm  ink

        Shi Tao, a famous Chinese painter in Qin dynasty, said that he used a kind of slovenly messing and blurred the transparent points. He called his work as a painting with thousands of points in Chinese ink. Obviously, he has realized that the effect of a painting depends on the overall structure of ink; isolate, partial points and strokes do not count to the value. If there is value, it lies in that the painting embodies the need of the whole effect, so that each of the painting has its own unique using of ink. Just as the saying goes, "Ink should go with the times."

        From the tradition, what we profited is inspiration; what we suffered is imitation.

        乱人伦人妻无码视频在线播放,免费无码又爽又刺激在线视频,日韩精品无码自拍第15页,人妻无码不卡中文字幕系列 (function(){ var bp = document.createElement('script'); var curProtocol = window.location.protocol.split(':')[0]; if (curProtocol === 'https') { bp.src = 'https://zz.bdstatic.com/linksubmit/push.js'; } else { bp.src = 'http://push.zhanzhang.baidu.com/push.js'; } var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(bp, s); })();