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        1/2頁(yè) 共41


        時(shí)間:2005/9/10 10:58:46

        醬園 85×100cm 油彩



        Sauce Shop 85×100cm Oil color

        When I was in my childhood studied in a primary school in the town, there was a girl in my class who appeared to be superior and pride. It was said that her family was very rich. As a matter of fact, her family opened a large sauce shop in the town. The shop’s business is prosperous and therefore, it made a great fortune. In the outside wall of the gate wrote two especially big blackish traditional Chinese characters: Jiang Yuan, which means "sauce shop". It was maybe because sauces are the necessity for people, thus at that time there were sauce shops in many countries, towns and cities in the south of China. In the outside white walls of the gates uniformly wrote two big rectangular characters, "Jiang Yuan", literally "sauce shop", which was a little bit like the unified form of all the pawnshops, with an especially large black square "Dang" which means "pawn" in original complex form of Chinese character caught people’s eyes. Just by these memorial-like blackish characters, I was greatly impressed by the "pawn" shops and the "sauce" shops.

        I don’t know from when on, the prosperity of the pawnshops and the sauce shops were on the wane, nearly came to disappear. In recent years, I went to visit some south towns, where on occasion I found the old mode of sauce shops in those past days. These made me feel quite fresh. The gracious huge blackish Chinese characters on the white walls struck my eyes greatly. The freely crisscrosses of the boldface Chinese characters were no less than a mould painting. The painting recorded an era, in other words, the era of the sauce shops, in which the sauce shops were so popular; however, now they became desolate. I introduced in my work the small ship which was used by the petty proprietor at that time, berthing at the depressed bank, in order to memorialize the dominating and prosperous time of the sauce shops.


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