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        1/2頁 共41


        時間:2005/9/10 11:40:07

        都市之網(wǎng)  水墨設(shè)色紙本  48×40厘米

          舟行太湖,前后左右漁網(wǎng)連綿;遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)近近水面上飄著三角形的小小黑旗,像無數(shù)失途的烏鴉, 非烏鴉也,都是指明水下有網(wǎng)的標(biāo)志。煞他風(fēng)景,太湖之行已失美感。水闊不任魚游,處處觸網(wǎng),魚蝦生存維艱。


        Ink and colour on paper

        Gliding on Lake Tai in a boat, one sees fishing nets far and near in every direction. There are numerous triangular black flags floating on the water, looking like crows which have lost their way. They are not crows, however, but markers indicating the presence of fishing nets in the water below. How they rob Lake Tai of its beauty, how they spoil the scenery. The water is expansive, but nets are everywhere lying in wait for fish and shrimps, spelling their doom.

        Human beings first dwelt in caves, now they live in highrises and luxurious houses, a veritable urban jungle. But the material well-being of their glittering life-style cannot conceal life’s trials and tribulations, the ruthlessness of competition. Like fish and shrimps, people are caught in the urban net, the net of life.


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