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        1/2頁 共41


        時(shí)間:2005/9/10 11:57:37
        都市之戀  85×100cm  油彩


        Love in the City

        In the real world, the shapes and the colors of every phenomenon on earth are a unity, and thus cannot be divided. The outstanding ancient paintings not only kept strictly to the shapes, but also made great effort to make the colors stable and firm in all aspects and attend in every way. People in modern times had many kinds of living styles, and glowed with enthusiasm. Along with that, their needs of appreciation unfolded and developed greatly. Therefore, as to shape, color, structure and rhythm... each follows his own bent. The various ways of painting differ as varied men and their undulate sensations. The pictorial city in the painting "At the Bian River in Qing Ming" has become the last remains of its times. Today’s new city is multicolored, thus the love in the city lies mostly in the love of lines and the love of color masses. This painting, Love in the City, is submissive to the color masses.

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