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        時間:2005/9/10 12:11:49

        碧玉不雕 39×39cm 油彩

          云南騰沖,鄰進緬甸,有許多商店,專賣緬甸玉制作的碧玉翡翠首飾,店店毗鄰成街,街街交錯成市——玉器市場。市場甚熱鬧,我也被卷入。我看到那些精雕細琢的珍貴飾品,或佛像,或瑞獸,無論體形大小,大都很丑,刻意求形,卻與造型藝術(shù)無緣,是對造型藝術(shù)的嘲弄,當遭造型藝術(shù)的唾棄。后遇到專賣玉石原材料的市場,成批未加工的玉石,有的玉石還鑲嵌在粗石中,待剝?nèi) D切┯袷馁|(zhì)感和色感甚美,未定形的質(zhì)感美和色感美令人驚喜,嘆造化之神工,愿碧玉不雕。

        Carve-less Jasper

        Yunnan’s Tengchong is near to Burma. There are many stores there, which specially sell jasper and emerald ornaments made of Burmese jade. Every store is close to one another and lines into a street; every street is across each other and composes a market - the jade article market. The market was so bustling with noise and excitement that involved me into it. I saw those exquisite precious ornaments: figure of Buddha, auspicious beasts and the like. Whatever the shape and size, most of them are ugly. They pursued the shapes on purpose; however, they were far away from the mould arts, and moreover, they were the derisions to the mould arts and should be renounced by the mould arts. Later, when I came across the market which specially sells the original material of jades with serial un-produced jades, some of which were still inlaid in the rubbles, waiting for division. The feelings of textures and colors of those jades were excellent. The unshaped beauty of textures and colors made me feel excited. I appreciate the Nature’s marvelous works and wish the jaspers carve-less.

        乱人伦人妻无码视频在线播放,免费无码又爽又刺激在线视频,日韩精品无码自拍第15页,人妻无码不卡中文字幕系列 (function(){ var bp = document.createElement('script'); var curProtocol = window.location.protocol.split(':')[0]; if (curProtocol === 'https') { bp.src = 'https://zz.bdstatic.com/linksubmit/push.js'; } else { bp.src = 'http://push.zhanzhang.baidu.com/push.js'; } var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(bp, s); })();