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        首頁 > 藝術(shù)新聞 >集藏信息> 正文


        時(shí)間:2021/8/2 18:56:49  


        From ancient times to the present, people have the traditional custom of saving coins, and since 2013, coin collections have become more popular at major fairs. It is understood that in the three major coin collection systems, such as paper money, gold and silver commemorative and ancient coins, ancient coins are highly praised for their ornamental and historical value, and the silver dollar in ancient coins is a hot spot, because the silver dollar itself is precious and has high artistic value.


        Yunnan made Guangxu yuanbao picture appreciation, Guangxu yuanbao "Made in Yunnan Province" Kuping three money and six silver coins, this coin although the experience of the baptism of the years and the precipitation of history, but now still relatively good career; It exudes a light golden light in the lamplight, as if with a king of noble gas. The front of the coin is cast with an inscription, the top is cast with the four words "made in Yunnan Province", the bottom is cast with the value of the coin: "Kuping three money and six cents", the four words "Guangxu Yuanbao" are read directly, and there is a hexagonal pattern on both sides of the outer ring. This coin is exquisite in production, exquisite in design, elegant in text, rich in content, brilliant in silver, beautiful in appearance, and has high artistic value and appreciation space.


        This silver coin is made in Guangxu Yuan treasure house of Yunnan Province. It weighs 14g and has a diameter of 33mm. After years of baptism and historical precipitation, it is still relatively intact today. It exudes a light silver light in the light, as if with a king of noble gas. The outer edge of the coin is wider, the front is cast with an inscription, the top is cast with the four words "made in Yunnan Province", the bottom is cast with the currency value of "Kuping three money six points", the center is read directly "Guangxu Yuanbao" four words, and there is a hexagonal pattern on both sides of the outer ring. The inner circle on the back of the coin is engraved with dragon totem, beautifully carved, and decorated with two small flowers on the left and right. The dragon pattern on the back is different from the dragon pattern issued by other provinces at the same time, and the whole silver dollar does not appear in an English is also special. This Yunnan Province made Guangxu yuanbao is exquisitely made, with exquisite patterns, elegant characters, excellent regular script calligraphy, balanced and stretched frame structure, second to none in longyang. Coin surface patching wear natural, and with rights. Weichr(39)s certificate of identification, pole. With ornamental and collection value.


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