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        時(shí)間:2021/8/9 15:49:40  來(lái)源:2021-08-09/20210809154850601.png


        The shadow green glaze was fired by Hutian kiln. The shadow celadon created by Hutian Kiln in the Song Dynasty represented the highest level of shadow celadon firing at that time. The body of this plum bottle is thick, the glaze color is white with green, the glaze juice is thin, the glaze is green, the glaze is bright, the porcelain is smooth, and the surface is full of ice cracks. Shadow blue glazed porcelain is far from being recognized as it should actually have a historical position.


        This hutian kiln shade green glaze plum bottle, whether from the material or technology, can be described as the finest in the shade celadon, light and elegant, warm and moist as water. Lips outside, short neck, rich shoulder and belly, belly down, feet outside, circle foot short and shallow, bottom foot without glaze, dignified shape. This product is elegant and extraordinary, highly respected, no doubt as a model.


        Plum bottle belly dark engraved dragon pattern. Dragon around the body of a week, the head of the dragon up, the two horns slightly back warped, longan prominent, jiongjiongweishen. The eyes are decorated with blue glaze, which is more prominent in the background of blue and white glaze and has the artistic effect of finishing the dragon. Dragon mouth spit out tongue, showing sharp teeth, upper and lower jaw lip curl, neck slender, a bundle of long iguana for fluttering. The back lines are dynamic and vivid. The limbs are thick and long, and the forelimbs are flexion and extension in front of one another, and the hind limbs are flexion and extension in front of one another, and they are striding forward. Elbow hair long and sparse, also as fluttering. The outstretched limbs, each limb three claws fingertips very sharp. Its tail resembles a snake-like bald tail.


        The dark engraved pattern with smooth lines on the shoulder of the bottle must be carefully examined or seen through the light before it can be seen. Facing the light perspective, this is the shadow green glaze ware marked characteristics. Therefore, this shade blue glaze porcelain is very precious. This piece of work perfectly shows the unique charm of this shadow green glaze in all aspects, beautiful and magnificent, for rare precious and famous products.


        In history, there were all the major kilns of the plum bottle, and the beauty of its shape can be said to be the best in the world, so the shape of the Plum bottle can be regarded as the first shape of Chinese porcelain. The shape of "plum bottle" got its name relatively late. In history, it had another name, "Jing bottle". This has something to do with the system of feasting. Meiping first appeared in the Tang Dynasty, and became popular in the Song and Liao dynasties, and many new varieties appeared. During the Song and Yuan dynasties, porcelain kilns all over the country were fired, and the blue and white plum bottle in Jingdezhen in the Yuan Dynasty was the most exquisite. Its superb firing technique and immortal artistic value condensed the wisdom and art crystallization of the working people of ancient Han Nationality.


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