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        首頁 > 藝術(shù)新聞 >集藏信息> 正文


        時間:2021/9/15 9:19:13  




        Jadeite is a kind of jadeite, the origin of which is very few, myanmar is the highest output, the best quality of the country, so jadeite is also known as "Burmese jade". Because myanmar jade jade hardness is high, bright and clean and bright. And good jadeite color is bright and peaceful, has a high value of preservation and collection value, so called "the king of jade". It is loved by many people who love and wear jade. Japan, New Zealand also jadeite as their "national stone". Due to the special geographical relationship of jadeite produced in Myanmar, which is close to China, and most of the finished products are processed in China, coupled with the special preference of Chinese people for jadeite, western countries also generally think jadeite is Chinachr(39)s "national jade".

        Jadeite became one of the inheritors of Chinese culture, in addition to due to its warm and translucent jade quality, but also with its colorful jadeite color is inseparable. The colorful colors of jadeite not only show the diversity of Chinese culture, but also give jadeite the connotation of elegant spirit and temperament.

        The color of jadeite can be said to be very rich, can be divided into seven colors: yellow, white, green, red, purple, black, blue, and can appear at the same time in a piece of jadeite, which is not the characteristics of the general jade! In particular, the shape and combination of jadeite color and color depth and distribution of the ever-changing, making the color of jadeite rich and colorful, in The Chinese folk commonly used thirty-six water, seventy-two beans, one hundred and eight colors to describe the diversity of jadeite color.


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