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        首頁 > 藝術新聞 >藝術品拍賣信息> 正文

        同頻亞洲藝術 共振市場信心 |香港華藝國際2022春拍5月28-29日舉行

        時間:2022/5/10 10:40:03  來源:99藝術網(wǎng)專稿

          五月,沉寂將盡,有趣有盼;敏銳洞察,適時應變。隨著Art Basel HK、Art Central等國際藝術博覽會及重磅拍賣會匯聚香港,我們亦誠摯宣布——香港華藝國際2022春季拍賣會將于5月28-29日在香港君悅酒店舉辦。同頻亞洲藝術盛事,為共振市場信心添磚增瓦,華藝國際期望將更精進的服務與更新銳的體驗帶給全球藏家客戶。



        A glamorous feast of art masterpiece is making May a month of insightfulness and transformation. Joining international art fairs and auctions for blockbuster masterpieces such as Art Basel HK and Art Central’s gathering in Hong Kong, we delightfully announce that the Holly’s International (HK) Spring Auctions 2022 will be held at the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong on 28 - 29 May. Fostering the synergy of the grand events of Asian Arts as well as the revitalisation of the market, Holly’s International’s vision is to bring advancement in excellent services and brand new experiences to connoisseur and customers around the globe.

        In 2022, Holly’s International will restart its journey with the differentiated positioning between "Beijing, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Shanghai". Alongside New York and London, as one of the world’s three key cities of art auctions and exchanges, Hong Kong always catches the eye of many connoisseur and art enthusiasts. Since Holly’s International’s stationing in Hong Kong at the end of 2018, we have been proactively growing as an international hub and successfully held a series of spring and autumn auctions. Further, we are so grateful to have presented several splendid exhibitions and activities in SPACE229, which has widely received continuous support and encouragement from various parties.

        A new journey is built from sincere preparation. In this special period, we hope to convey warmth and comfort through art. Together we will reunite and explore the world of art with infinite possibility and imagination in Hong Kong this summer.

        Holly’s International (Hong Kong)
        2022 Spring Auctions

        Preview & Auctions: May 28 - 29

        Grand Hyatt Hong Kong
        (1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai)

        Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy

        Modern & Contemporary Art

        Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art

        Luxury Food, Tea & Wine


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